February 16, 2025

Lenape Tech Times

The Monthly News Source from Lenape Technical School

Black History Month by Nichol Schawl

2 min read

The month of February is Black History Month where we celebrate the African Americans that fought to change societies views on racial segregation and inequality. This month is to celebrate the accomplishments of African Americans who were trail blazers in making a place for African Americans in society.

Lenape Tech senior, Becky Crytzer, says “I like Black History Month because there are great leaders that went through so much, and they were passionate about what they were fighting for, just like Martin Luther King Junior.” Another student says that Black History Month is a great holiday. “Black and white Americans came together to fight for equality.” Just to name a few who have been celebrated through the February month for years are Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, and Martin Luther King Junior.

One person that we celebrate through Black History Month is Rosa Parks. Rosa refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. Busses were separated in half by race. While the back was full, where the “colored” would sit, Rosa decided to sit up front in the “non-colored” area. A white male fought with her for the seat and eventually she was taken off by police. She became an icon because she was standing up for herself which started sparking others to do the same.

Another person to celebrate during the month, is Harriet Tubman. Harriet was born into slavery, so she grew up working for other people for free until she escaped through the underground railroad. She wanted to help other people escape, so Tubman made 19 trips to help free over 300 enslaved African Americans. A fun fact that she once told Fredrick Douglas is that she never lost a single passenger. There is a big reward placed on Harriet’s head because of all the people she had freed. To this day we still honor her for risking her life not once, but nineteen times to save other enslaved people.

Additionally, Martin Luther King Jr. was a Christian minister, but he also started to speak out about black rights and equality which sparked the Civil Rights Movement. He believed that words would make it farther than violent actions and championed peaceful resistance. Although he was assassinated, his memory still lives on with his speeches’ he has delivered.

There are hundreds of people who took part in ending slavery and inequality. However, the fight is still not over, and the new generation must remember these leaders and heroes and in their own small way help to end racism and inequality in the world.

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