February 16, 2025

Lenape Tech Times

The Monthly News Source from Lenape Technical School

Native American Day

1 min read

By Peyton Harter

Has one ever heard of Native American Day? Its on September 24th. This is a day where people look back on where the Native Americans lived, their life-style, and things they were known for throughout the years. How the Native Americans lived their lives back then is similar to some practices of today, but there are also many differences. Some examples of how they are similar is they planted crops, made villages, and hunted for food. Other examples of how they did things differently are they lived in tribes or packs, and had different religions than modern day. Areas that the Indians lived in were the plains region, artic and subarctic, northeast and southwest, the great basin, California, the northwest coast, and the plateaus. Did you know that our school is named after an Indian tribe?

This school is named after the Lenape tribe. They were located in Pennsylvania, but are not around here anymore. Other things that the Native Americans also did was hunt, fish, and plant crops. A Lenape staff member was interviewed about Native Americans and Mr. Rosell said that they were associated with the Swedish people.

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