Stress Awareness Month
2 min read
By: Sydnee Petruzzi
The month of April is known to be stress awareness month. It is to remind people to take a minute, relax, or just go out and do something for yourself.
While stress does not have a definition it is often described as mental, physical, or emotional strain. Prolonged stress can have a negative impact on mental health. Though it can affect more than just someone’s mind. Stress can cause headaches and insomnia. It can even go as far as to cause high blood pressure and heart disease. This is what makes this month so important. It serves as a reminder to pay attention to our health.
Reactions to stress can go from mild to severe very quickly. A person may feel numbness or shock. They may experience helplessness or frustration. They may have a harder time concentrating on tasks or making decisions. They could develop bad coping mechanisms like smoking or drinking.
This month is a time to pay attention to the strain that is being put on the human body due to stress. Many ways to help alleviate stress are becoming aware of stressors. This could mean not putting someone else first for a change or even just taking a break from everyday life. While not everyone can do that there are other methods to alleviate stress. They could try breathing exercises. It is said that people should do breathing exercises four times a day, and while it helps alleviate stress, it also helps improve the diaphragm’s function. Another method is simply just laughing more. A study has shown that people who laugh more often are in a better mood and are more relaxed. Another terrific way to reduce stress is to exercise. Exercising is a wonderful way to increase endorphins, while also helping insomnia, balancing hormones, and creating relaxation.
When asked what they do to alleviate stress, Noxx Lorigan replied, “I listen to music and watch YouTube videos.”
Alleviating stress can create a more positive and better lifestyle. This month is a great way to watch for any unnecessary stressors.