How to Balance School, Work, and Home
2 min read
By Laylah Rhine
As a student in high school, it can be very overwhelming to balance school, homework, a job, and spending time at home. There are different methods that could be used to help organize a persons’ time better. By focusing on only one set of responsibilities in life, students will find themselves struggling in other areas, so to balance it all equally they should plan and have time set aside for each thing in their schedule. In general, it all comes down to time management. While it is important that a person should be motivated to as much as possible, they should not overwhelm themselves and should make time for themselves and spend time with family and friends. Thus, the student could make sure to only work a few days a week, so that they have time at home with friends and family. When Rayanne Mclntyre was interviewed, she said, “I get my schoolwork done at school and work most nights, and in my off-time I babysit.” By simply not overworking themselves, their schedule will decrease a huge amount. When interviewed, Brayden Henry said, “I only work about 3 days a week, and on my off days I do my chores and things that I enjoy.” As a student, it is very difficult to please everyone in life, from their teachers to their mom and dad, or to their friends and maybe even a girlfriend or boyfriend, but to make sure everyone in their life is happy they also need to make sure they are happy and focusing on themselves. If a person does not make time for themselves, they will struggle everywhere else in their life. To do this they could practice self-care, eating a healthy diet, exercising, reading, or even just sitting down and watching their favorite show. All of things boil down to just trying to make themselves better each day and focusing on the future person they will become.