Coveted Christmas Presents
2 min read
Most Wanted Presents Over the Years
By: Clay Lorigan
Over the years, there has been a plethora of gifts around the holiday season. Children all over the world make lists of all the presents they want and wait for the eventful day to see if they got everything they asked for.
Once Christmas rolls around, toys go flying off the shelves. For example, Legos debuted in the 1940s, and Barbies debuted in the 50s and became hits around the nation. In the 70s, Star Wars came out and quickly they both became popular worldwide, which lead to very profitable toy sales. When people first think of popular toys, their mind might first go to the Furby. And in the 1990s, this was the case. Along with them, another popular toy for that year was the Game Boy. Then in the early 2000s, the Nintendo Wii and Bratz dolls came out. A little later in the 2010s, the PlayStation and Xbox came out, starting their rivalry over the best gaming console.
When asked about her favorite present growing up, Brenna Spencer (ADT) said, “I got a DVD set of Avatar: The Last Airbender and that really made my year.” She was also asked if there was ever a toy she wanted, but never got. She replied with, “Yeah, when I was little, I really wanted a phone and an iPad, but at the time I was too young and didn’t get one.” Vic Major (ADT) was also inquired about his favorite gift growing up and he stated, “Mine was probably the Kindle Fire.” When asked if there was anything he really wanted to get, but never got growing up, he replied with, “I always asked for plushies every year, but I never got them.”
As seen, every year new fads and popular items come into play and drain people of their money around Christmas. Many say the money is worth it for the number of memories it can make growing up and it is a pleasant thing to look back on and smile.