February 16, 2025

Lenape Tech Times

The Monthly News Source from Lenape Technical School

Fall Treats  

2 min read

By: Indigo Bowser 

It starts to get colder in fall and most people do not enjoy the cold. So why not make some tasty treats to cheer everyone up?  

A good place to find fall treats is Tik Tok, Pinterest, or even just searching recipes up. YouTube is also a good place to figure out how to make different recipes. Some treats will be harder to make than others, but they will hopefully taste amazing.  

Some ideas include making a Halloween cheesecake, pumpkin muffins, and apple spice caramel corn. In the article 7 Fabulous Fall Treats & Desserts, they have a list of fall snacks. They have snacks like pumpkin butterscotch dip, no bake s’mores bars, and no bake pumpkin pie bites. It is extremely easy to get the recipe right off the article. How about trying a pumpkin whoopie pie?  

Not all treats must be sweet. Some healthier treats are cut up bananas with ghost face or even a pretzel stick with cut string cheese on it to look like a witch’s broom. Apples can even be cut up to look like monsters. Tangerines can be made to look like pumpkins by drawing faces on the peel or even putting cut up celery on the top after peeling it. 

When asked what they make in fall, Rylie Jones, a cosmetology student, answered with, ”My favorite thing to make during fall is no bakes. It doesn’t matter what kind, I just like no bakes.” Nataile Kuntz, a cosmetology student, was also asked what she likes to make in fall she says, ”I like to make things with my friends. We like to make cakes and cookies together.” 

Fall isn’t just about Halloween and it getting cold. Sometimes it is just about making some delicious food and sharing it with important people. Hopefully something peaked interest on what to make this fall. So go ahead and make something for everyone to enjoy! 

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