February 8, 2025

Lenape Tech Times

The Monthly News Source from Lenape Technical School

International Hot and Spicy Food Day  

2 min read

By: Caleb Shaulis 

International Hot and spicy food Day Falls on January 16th. This day celebrates spices from many cultures, but what makes spices so special to have a day all about it?  

For over 6,000 years spices have been used to add flavor and help remedy inflammation. During 460 to 377 B.C ancient Greeks imported eastern spices such as, cassia, pepper, cinnamon, and ginger to the Mediterranean. Romans used spices for wines, balms, and oils. Curcumin (found in the Turmeric plant) was used to treat arthritis, autoimmune disorders, nausea, and headaches. Peppers also help lower risks of heart attacks and strokes.  

  According to nationaltoday.com Capsaicin, an active component in chili peppers, is known to destroy cancer cells. In 2015 studies conducted by China and the U.S. found that eating spicy foods either six or seven times a week lowered mortality rates by 14 percent.  The spiciness of a pepper is ranked by the Scoville scale, sweet bell peppers rank the lowest on the scale, while pepper X ranks the highest with a rating of 2.7 million SHU.   Some peppers are mildly hot which consists of Jalapenos, Cayenne peppers, Tabasco peppers, and Scotch Bonnets. 

  According to daysoftheyear.com the earliest time that this day was celebrated was in the early 2000’s. Ways to celebrate include having a cook of, a chili eating contest, cooking spicy foods at home for the family, and hosting a party featuring spicy foods. Sometimes restaurants put their spiciest foods on the menu for this day. Spices can boost metabolism and decrease sugar cravings.  

  Spicy foods can help everyone in different ways. Spices allow for people to add flavor to their food rather than it be bland. National Hot and Spicy Food Day should be more well known so everyone can learn about the health benefits spicy food has.   

Citations: nationaltoday.com         seattletimes.com    daysoftheyear.com     nationaldaycalander.com    magazine.foodpanda.my  

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