By: Shawn Ward Earth Day is an international event celebrated around the world by people who pledge their support for environmental protection. People around the world show their support on Earth...
Shawn Ward
By: Shawn Ward In Roman mythology Cupid means “passionate desire.” He is the God of desire, love, attraction and affection. Cupid is often renowned as...
By: Shawn Ward National Spaghetti Day was introduced into the United States through the travels of Thomas Jefferson, who...
By: Shawn Ward A lot of people know the traditional holidays that occur each month, but do you know the not...
By: Shawn Ward The origin of the Dead Can Dance story took place in Australia. They are a band of sorts. After leaving Australia...
By Shawn Ward Lenape tech students were interviewed about what their favorite show/movie on Netflix was, and Spider-man into the Spider-Verse was the most popular. The plot of Spider Man: Into the Spider-Verse takes...