Phantom Fright Nights
1 min read
By Carlo Belottii
In 2020 the “Phantom Fright Nights” at Kennywood were canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic and caused everything and everyone to change world wide. However, now in 2021 the “Phantom Fright Night” has been brought back with a new name “Phantom fall fest” and will be about the same, but with more family friendly things to do and ride during the day witch means you can have fun all day and a fright at night will make for a spooky experience.
During the fall fest there will be treats like pumpkin funnel cakes, seasonal beers for adults and of course the classic Potato patch fries. The will also have a lot of frightening attractions like four scare zones and five haunted houses. This will be the return of one of the most fun events of the year and hopefully it’s here to stay for more years to come. This year though, will be a frightening year to remember.