February 8, 2025

Lenape Tech Times

The Monthly News Source from Lenape Technical School

Pumpkin Carving 

2 min read

By: Indigo Bowser 

One of the best things about fall is carving pumpkins with family or friends. Coming up with ideas for how to carve a pumpkin is always a challenge. What is more challenging can be just trying to carve the pumpkin itself. Here are some tips on what to do this fall.  

Most people just make normal jack-o’-lanterns because it is an easy thing to do, and it can be hard to produce creative ideas. Therefore, why not do something that references a movie? Even making a Hello Kitty carving can be creative, or how about finding a stencil online and cutting that out? Try just carving away the outside of the pumpkin to get a cool effect.  

In the article, “31 Easy Pumpkin Carving Ideas for the Best Jack-O’-Lanterns” they have ideas like a cactus, bat, deer, and flame carvings. To make the bat is to paint the pumpkin and put felt wings on it. Another suggestion is to spell out trick or treat with a couple of pumpkins. Another suggestion is to put a twist on a normal jack-o’-lantern by making it eat a smaller jack-o’-lantern.  

If someone doesn’t like carving pumpkins, but still wants to participate in Halloween then they can paint or melt crayons to create a design. To paint the decorator can splatter the paint or make a design. They can glue crayons to the top of a pumpkin and heat with a blow dryer. 

When asked how she plans to carve her pumpkin, Madison Croyle, a cosmetology student, answered with, “For this Halloween I plan to make something difficult like a witch.” Nevaeh Lloyd, a cosmetology student, was asked what she plans to do to her pumpkin she said, “I personally plan on doing something simple like a cat, but I don’t really know right now.” 

Hopefully, Jack-o’-Lanterns look interesting after seeing all these creative ideas. There’s no way people would not be impressed by any of these jack-o’-lanterns mentioned. Now go out and share these creative ideas with friends and family.  

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