The Festival of Sleep day
2 min read
By Moira Andrews
January 3rd is “The Festival of Sleep day.” It’s a day to relax and take a break from work. Most people are encouraged to work nonstop for their whole lives, and ignore that voice in their head saying they need to rest. January 3rd is a day to listen to that voice. Good sleeping habits are so important and this day celebrates that. People can’t function without sleep, yet students are told to stay up late and work or study even if they are tired. Students are told or maybe feel that getting homework done is more important than being able to function the next day. That’s just not the case.
According to, no one is quite sure who started this holiday. What is known is that it was designed to encourage relaxation after the stressful holiday season. People don’t have to sleep to celebrate this holiday. The main idea behind it is relaxation, whether that is by reading a book, painting, or anything else one finds peaceful. Sleep would still be a great way to spend the holiday though.

When asked if he wishes this day was more celebrated, Tyler Poff, a student in Precision Machining said, “No, if it did all the businesses would have to shut down and there can be so many things that happen with others, people stealing and more. So, that is why I don’t think this should be celebrated more.”
When asked if she thought the Festival of sleep was a good idea, Angel Beckett, a student in law enforcement said, “Yes, I think this is a good idea because many people suffer from fatigue, so a day of relaxation could come in handy for them. This should be more widely celebrated due to this as well. If the U.S. chose to partake in this event, many students and adults alike could focus on gaining the sleep that they’ve lost from stress and worry.”
The festival of sleep is not very well known. It’s definitely a holiday that deserves more recognition. Resting is important and having at least one day a year where students are encouraged to rest, sounds like an amazing idea.