By Allison Shoaf Horror follows a variety of storylines, but horror games delve deeper into this and allow for first person exploration, puzzles, tension, and fear. Much like movies...
Allison Shoaf
Siblings Day is an unofficial holiday observed each year on April 10th to honor bonds between brothers and sisters. The first Siblings...
By Allison Shoaf An equinox is the two points on the sphere where the equator intersects the eclipse or two times each year starting March...
By Allison Shoaf Love is a universal emotion; however, the celebration Valentine’s Day is not quite the same. Unlike widespread belief, it did not always represent love. The day is celebrated in few parts of the world...
By Allison Shoaf One can see Christmas movies and decorations even before December. There are thousands of popular and cheesy Hollywood or Hallmark...
By Allison Shoaf New Years is celebrated worldwide, in many ways and at different times. It depends solely on where one lives....
By Allison Shoaf Do you have any plans for November? If one plans to go to Florida anytime soon then head down to Jacksonville Beach. An...
By Allison Shoaf Horror movies have changed dramatically throughout the years, from cheesy background audio and pixelated imagery to suspenseful eerie...
By Allison Shoaf Many objects, events, and historical sites have origins. Months and calendars are no different. Before clocks, months and calendars the...