October 18, 2024

Lenape Tech Times

The Monthly News Source from Lenape Technical School

Some Highlights of November  

3 min read

By Tessa Mansfield


There is nothing better than looking at the bright side of things, so let us take a moment to look at all the remarkable things November has to offer. When asked, two Lenape junior students shared their favorite qualities of November. Salina Fox said that her family does a lot of visiting around this time of year primarily for Thanksgiving get together and the traditional Thanksgiving of joining together to eat. She enjoys eating little bits with all parts of her family. If Salina could only pick one Thanksgiving food, it would be ham. I also spoke with Emily Clawson and her favorite quality of the wonderful month of November is the glistening bright white snow and Thanksgiving as well. She just wishes it was not so cold. All can agree that nothing is better than enjoying a warm home cooked meal with the people loved. A Junior Kaylee Misner said she enjoyed the “sweater weather”. Kaylee enjoys hot chocolate this time of year and seeing the snow on the trees. Salina Fox stated that she likes how “the school year is like partly over.” Both girls agreed.  

This is especially true for the 2023 seniors starting to feel the pressure of graduation creep up on them just like the frigid weather. When a senior Zandra Gasper was asked about her favorites in the wonderful month of November, she said that it was the best time of year for her favorite cold season drink, hot apple cider with cinnamon sticks in it. She enjoys watching the leaves change colors before snow starts to fall and having an enjoyable time outside in the fallen leaves not to mention her favorite holiday of them all is Christmas, and she is one month closer to the colorful joyful and giving holiday of Christmas and her birthday. Her family has the traditional ham and mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving, but they also have turducken. Turducken originated in the United States but is eaten all over the world. This is a dish consisting of a deboned chicken stuffed in a deboned duck, further stuffed into a deboned turkey. In places outside of the United States and Canada you might hear it be referred to as the “three-bird roast”. 

 When Mrs. Betts, a Lenape teacher, was asked what she liked about this time of year she talked about how she was looking forward to the time we had off from school and being able to wear her big warm sweaters. She also enjoys and is looking forward to spending time with her precious kids, Logan, and Riley during her Thanksgiving break. When asked, Mrs. Boyle, also a teacher, said that she does not enjoy the cold months, but she does enjoy the holidays and celebrating with her kids. Mrs. Boyle and her family enjoy spending time together during their holiday breaks, celebrating Thanksgiving and gathering with loved ones. When asked, a senior student Zack Miller said he enjoys seeing the snow on Pennsylvania’s beautiful Eastern Hemlock trees. He enjoys seeing his cousins and family he does not get to see often and eating together for Thanksgiving. He enjoys that his family makes ham with their turkey feast, but his favorite is sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top. When asked, Mr. Ingram said that he enjoys hunting and as archery season is ending, he is looking forward to the start of winter sports like wrestling. He enjoys seeing the snow start to fall and is looking forward to Thanksgiving. November is full of wonderful things to see and enjoy. A lot of family, food, and snow. Hopefully, this article encourages you to think about the things you enjoy during this month and what you are looking forward to in the upcoming months.  

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